A selection of original paintings by Ash Buckingham.

Have a look at the gallery below, and if you spot something you like, please get in touch on 01507 526842 - we can check that it is still available. There are always more original paintings at the studio than on the website - please get in touch to see if we have something here on the wall that might suit your requirements... and don't forget that I am always happy to discuss a special painting just for you - the word "commission" always sounds scary but please don't be afraid to ask about a specific painting to be done just for you... always and only on the understanding that when you see the finished work, if you don't happen to like it, you have the courage to say so! There is no point in being the proud owner of a painting that you don't actually like!  

Originals can be sold mounted but unframed, suitable for sending to you by courier. Any "online" sale is sold subject to your liking the painting when you see the real thing... just talk to us! From the studio, we also offer a full framing service. Paintings from here are still sold on the understanding that they can be exchanged if the painting that you have chosen doesn't look quite right in your home... again, just talk to us!  

The size listed for each painting is the approximate image size in inches (remember those?). The mount can be made to suit your taste, both in width and colour.

Prices includes painting and mount where applicable.

A Crowd of Daffs  
Watercolour | 15" x 11" | £195
A Shadow of my Former Self
Acrylic | 24" x 17"  | £295
African Sunset
Pastel | 20" x 13" | £295
As Time Goes By
Watercolour | 18" x 12" |  £250
Autumn Moods
Watercolour | 18" x 12" | £250
Barn Owl Post
 Acrylic and pastel | 28" x 20" |  £325
Watercolour | 18" x 12" | £225
Binbrook Mill Winter Lincs
Watercolour | 18" x 12" |  £275
Bircham Mill Norfolk
Watercolour | 15" x 11"  |  £250